Tennessee Champ

Tennessee Champ is a 1954 drama with strong Christian overtones starring Shelley Winters, Keenan Wynn, Dewey Martin, and Charles Bronson credited as Charles Buchinsky, and directed by Fred M. Wilcox.

Sarah Wurbles husband Willy is the larcenyinclined manager of an illiterate, and very religious boxer from Tennessee named Danny. Gifted with a powerful punch and a nickname that gives the film its title, Danny mistakenly believes he killed a man defending himself in a street brawl, and goes on the lam as a prizefighter.His Christian convictions turn out to be both a source of inspiration and, ultimately, conflict when Willy urges him to throw a fight while mistakenly fearing Willy will turn him in on the murder charge if he doesnt. Credulity flies out of the window when Danny discovers the man he is to take on in the fixed fight is actually the man he thought he killed, Sixty Jubel, The Biloxi Blockbuster. Dannys example of unwavering faith causes Willy to rethink his sinful ways. ........

Source: Wikipedia